12TH ENGLISH BIHAR SECONDARY EDUCATION BOARD SHORT QUESTION ANSWER 2 Marks (If you run the day otherwise day will run you)BY:SUJEET SIR,9709622037,ARARIA,BIHAR.

3. What is the poet’s impression opf the lady in ‘An Epitaph’ ?

Ans – The poet is much impressed from that lady in An Epitaph. This is a very beautiful lady. She belongs to western country. She is a very good natured lady. The poet likes her a lot. He remembers her a lot even after her death.

4. Why did the poet want in the poem snake ?

Ans - In the snake poem, the snake was already present on the water through. He was drinking water. The poet came late. He was the second comer so, the poet wanted to wait.

5. What made Sebei’s heart beat faster ?

Ans – One day Seibei was wandering unfamiliar street. An old woman was selling fruits and gourds. Seibei saw a gourd. it was a very beautiful gourd. he made Seibei heart beat faster. He wanted to purchase it at any cost for designing.

6. What happen in autumn, according to Keats in “Ode to autumn” ?

Ans – In the autumn season grappes creepers are loaded with fruits. many flowers bloom. This is the harvesting season for farmers. Sheep bleat over hills. Robin birds sing fine note in this season.

7. What will happen when the poet dies ?

Ans – The poet Walter De La Mare explains the beauty of a lady who is now lying in the tomb. Everyone forgets her, but the poet remembers her even after her death. He says when he dies no one will remember her.

8. Why does the speaker often wish to go to that house ?

Ans – The speaker often wishes to go to that house because she got earlier love there. She got the love of her grandmother in that house. The memory of her grandmother was present in that house. So, the poetess wants to go there.

9. Make a list of crimes Macavity was capable of ?

Ans – Macavity was a master criminal. He was capable of many crimes like drinking milk, breaking glass, missing jewellery box, looting food from the larder, destroying important papers of the poet’s office etc.

10. How do you and summer help in ripeness of fruits in the autumn season ?

Ans – In the autumn season, the sun is very friendly. There is neither too hot nor too cold in this season that helps in ripeness of fruits. nature loads trees with fruits and these fruits also ripe in this season. Sun and summer help in the ripeness of fruits.

    A story of English 

1 Write a note on old English.

Ans. The old English period was the childhood of English as a language. At that time English was purely a mixture of different dialects.Its words were written and pronounced differently. It has
no grammar of its own. Many of old English words and structure have gone out of use today.

ओल्ड इंगलिश काल अंग्रेजी का बचपनावस्था था। उस समय अंग्रेजी विभिन्न भाषाओ का मिश्रण था। इसका शब्द अलग-अलग तरह से बोला और लिखा जाता था। इसका अपना कोई व्याकरण नहीं था। आज अधिकांश इस काल के अंग्रेजी शब्द तथा रचना का प्रयोग नहीं किया
जाता है।

Q.2 Write a note on Middle English.

Ans. The period from 1150 AD to 1500 AD is called the middle English period in the history of English. During this period English was the mixture of dialects. These dialects were Northern, Southern, East midland This English was different from modern English in spelling, grammar and punctuation.

अंग्रेजी इतिहास में 1150 से 1500 ई तक का काल मध्य अंग्रेजी कहलाता है। इस काल में अंग्रेजी विभिन्न भाषाओं का मिश्रण था। ये भाषाएँ थी उत्तरी, दक्षिणि,पूर्व मध्य तथा पश्चिम मध्य क्षेत्र। यह आधुनिक अंग्रेजी से हिज्ज्य, व्याकरण तथा विराम चिन्ह में अलग था।

Q.3 What are the difficulties faced by Indians in learning English?

Ans. English is not our native language. It is taught as the second language. We can't pronounce English word correctly. Structure of English language is different from the structure of Indian languages. The spelling of certain English word also creates troubles. Indians commit several mistakes while learn English.

अंग्रेजी हमारी मातृ भाषा नही है। यह दूसरी भाषा के रूप में पढ़ाया जाता है। हमलोग अंग्रेजी शब्द का सही उच्चारण नहीं कर सकते है। अंग्रेजी भाषा की रचना भारतीय भाषाओं से अलग होता है। कुछ अंग्रेजी शब्दों के हिज्जय भी समस्या उतपन्न करता है। भारतीय लोग अंग्रेजी सीखते समय कई गलतियाँ करते है।

Q.4: Write a note on Indian English :

Ans. Indian English means English language which is written and spoken by Indians. It a is type of standard English. It is not different from British English on large scale but in some cases it displays different syntax and uses. We use 'What is in your mind' for 'what is on your mind' ? We also write 'Where she is going' for 'Where is she going'? sometimes articles are misused like, 'The man is mortal for 'Man is mortal'. However, Indian English has its own flavour and the scent of soil.

भारतीय अंग्रेजी का मतलब होता है वह भारतीय अंग्रेजी भाषा जो भारत में लिखा और बोला जाता है। यह मानक अंग्रेजी का ही एक प्रकार है। यह ब्रिटिश अंग्रेजी से बडे़ पैमाने में अलग नही है बल्कि कुछ मायने में यह अलग रचना और उपयोग दिखता है। हमलोग लिखते है What is in your mind' लेकिन वे लिखते है 'What is on your mind'  हमलोग लिखते है Where she is going'  लेकिन वे लिखते है'Where is she going ?' कभी-कभी अभिपद का प्रयोग भी गलत किया जाता है जैसे 'Man is mortal' के लिए The man is mortal' फिर भी भारतीय अंग्रेजी का भी अपना एक अलग सुगंध और मिट्टी की खुशबू होता है।

Q.5 What led English to borowing ?

Ans. The process which is used to enrich the vocabulary of any language is called borrowing. English is not an exception The rapid growth of change and development made English realize that it has no word to express new ideas. This led to the borrowing from Latin, French, Greek, Italian and Spanish languages in its periods of history. English has also borrowed many Indian and Hindi words like samosa, Neem, guru, Pandit etc.

वह प्रक्रिया जिससे किसी भाषा का शब्दकोष धनी किया जाता है बोरोंइंग कहलाता है। अंग्रेजी आपवाद नही है। तेजी से वृद्धि एवं विकास हांेने से अंग्रेजी को यह महसूस हो गया कि उसके पास नये विचारों को व्यक्त करने हेतु शब्द नही है। तब अंग्रेजी भाषा ने लैटिन ,फ्रेंच, ग्रीक, इटालियन और स्पैनिश भाषा से कई शब्दों को उधार लिया। अंग्रेजी ने कई भारतीय और हिन्दी शब्दो को उधार लिया । जैसे समोसा, नीम,गुरु,पंडित आदि।

Q.6 Write a note on the importance of English for Indians :

Ans. English is a language which has a great importance for Indians. It is a link language for India. It helps to bring the people of different religions and different languages on one platform. English had also played vital role in Indian freedom movement. This is the age of science and technology. In globalization, it is very necessary for Indians to learn English. India is a developing country. It cannot be a developed country without having the working knowledge of English.

अंग्रेजी एक भाषा है जिसका भारतीय लोगो के लिए बहुत महत्व है। यह भारत को जोड़ने वाली भाषा है। यह विभिन्न भाषाओं तथा विभिन्न धर्मो के लोगो को एक प्लेटफॅार्म पर लाने का काम करता है। भारतीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम में भी अंग्रेजी ने महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका अदा किया है। यह विज्ञान और तकनिकी का युग है। वैश्वीकरण के इस जमाने में, यह बहुत जरुरी है कि भारतीय लोगो को अंग्रेजी सीखना चाहिए। भारत एक विकासशील देश है। जब तक अंग्रेजी का पूर्ण उपयोग इस देश में नही होगा तब तक यह विकसित देश नही बन सकता।

Q.7 Discuss English is the world language :

Ans. It is fact that English is spoken all over the world. It is also spoken in many countries. USA has English as the main language. In the European countries like Russia, France, Germany etc. English is spoken by a large number of people. It is the main language of United Nations. Even Chinese people also learn English to compete with the world in the age of global market economy. So, lastly the above situation it proves that English is an international, global or world language.

यह सत्य है कि अंग्रेजी पूरी दुनियाँ में बोली जाती है। यह कई देशों में बोली जाती है। USA का अंग्रेजी एक मुख्य भाषा है। यूरोपियन देश जैसे रूस, फ्रांस, जर्मनी इत्यादि में बहुत ज्यादा लोग अंग्रेजी बोलते हैं। यह यूनाइटेड नेशन्स की मुख्य भाषा है। यहाँ तक की चीन के लोग भी विश्व बाजार में आर्थिक स्थिति के योग्य बनने के लिए अंगे्रजी सीखते हैं। अंत में ये सारा स्थिति यह साबित करता है कि अंग्रेजी एक अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भाषा है।

Q.8 Write a note on the future of English in India.

Ans. The future of English in India is very bright. English is a link language of our country and it is spreading far and wide in India. It played an important role in our freedom struggle. It is also an important language. India can not get international recognition without English. The knowledge of English is necessary in the age of globalization. Good books of science and technology are available in English only. So, the future of English in India will be getting brighter and brighter every day.

भारत में अंग्रेजी भाषा का भविष्य बहुत उज्ज्वल है। अंगे्रजी भारत को जोड़ने वाली भाषा है तथा यह भारत में तेजी से फैल रहा है। इसने भारत के स्वतत्रंता संघर्ष में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाया है। भारत बिना अंगे्रजी का अंतर्राष्ट्रीय पहचान नहीं बना सकता है। विज्ञान और तकनिकी की अच्छी किताबें अंग्रेजी में उपलब्ध है। अतः अंगे्रजी का भविष्य भारत में उज्ज्वल से उज्ज्वल होता जा रहा है।

Q.9 Write a note on American English.

Ans. When the countries like U. S., Australia, Canada, Newzeland became independent of British Empire, English language was written and spoken there. The people of those countries were not the native speakers of English. So they created a new variety of English bringing some changes in the original spelling, grammar and pronunciations of British English. English language developed in America is known as American English. The Changes can be listed in the way.
British -                                      American
Colour -                                      Color
Enclosure -                                 Inclosure
Sweets -                                      Candy
Biscuits -                                    Crackers
Motor car -                                Automobile
Taxi -                                          Cab
I have just eaten -                      I just ate.
I am visiting her tomorrow -    I am visiting with her tomorrow.

जब अमेरिका, अस्ट्रेलिया, कनाडा, न्युजीलैंड, आदि ब्रिटिश सम्राज्य से स्वतंत्र हुए अंग्रेजी भाषा वहाँ लिखा और बोला जाने लगा। उन देशों के लोग अंग्रेजी के जन्मजात वक्ता नही थे इसलिए उनलोगों ने अंग्रेजी भाषा के हिज्जय, व्याकरण, उच्चारण में परिवत्र्तन किया। जो भाषा अमेरिका में विकसित हुआ उसे हम अमेरिकन अंग्रेजी कहते है।

Q.10 Modern English :-

English used since 1500 AD till now is called modern English. This period is divided into two parts - Modern & New English. From the beginning of the modern period to the end of the 19th century English is basically the language of British Isles. This language developed by the expansion of the British Empire together with the growth of the Science, Industry, Politics & Literature. New varieties of English emerged in different parts of the world. Some of these are American English, Indian English, Canadian English. etc. Thus, New English fulfils the purpose of human communication. In fact, the story of English language is like flowing river. In the era of globalization English became an international language.

1500 ई॰ से अब तक जो अंग्रेजी भाषा उपयोग किया जाता है उसे Modern English कहते है। इसे दो भागों में बाँटा जाता हैं- आधुनिक अंग्रेजी और नई अंग्रेजी। शुरू से उन्नसीवी शताब्दी तक अंग्रेजी ब्रिटिश सम्राज्य की भाषा थी। इस भाषा का विकास ब्रिटिश सम्राज्य के साथ विज्ञान, उधोग,राजनीति और साहित्य के विकास से हुआ। संसार के विभिन्न देशो में नये प्रकार का अंग्रेजी उत्पन्न हुआ। जैसे अमेरिकन अंग्रेजी, भारतीय अंग्रेजी, कनाडा का अंग्रेजी इस प्रकार नई अंग्रेजी मानव के संचार का पूरा करता है। वास्वव में अंग्रेजी भाषा का कहानी बहते हुए नदी के तरह है। वैश्विकरण के इस जमाने में अंग्रेजी अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भाषा बन गई 

Authors Name & Book Name

Q.1 Write the name of three English poet and poem written by each of them.

(1) Sarojini Naidu                                                  Champak blossoms, Village song
(2) Kamla Das                                                         The old play house
(3) Sri Aurbindo                                                     Savitri

Q.2 Write the name of some important English dramatist: [V. V. I]

Ans. Shakespeare                                                   Othello, Macbeth
Marlowe                                                                     Dr. Faustus, Edward II
Ben Jonson                                                               Volpone, The Alchemist..
G.B.shaw                                         Arms and the man, Candida, Pygmalion, Man and superman.
William Wycherley                                                The Country Wife

Q.3 Write the name of important English Novelist and their Main novels:[V. V. I]

Ans. Malory's Le                                                      Morted Arthur
Daniel Defoe                                                             Robinson Crusos.
John Bunyan                                                            The Pilgrim's Progress
Henry Fielding                                                         Tom Jones.
Samuel Richardson                                                Candy
Jane Austen                                                               Pride and Prejudice, Emma
Emily Bronte                                                             Wuthering Heights
Walter Scott                                                               Talisman
George Eliot                                                                Middle March
Thomas Hardy                                                           The mayor or caster bridge
Williman Thackeray                                                Vanity Fair
D.H. Lawrence                                                           The rainbow, Sons and Lovers
Virginia Woolf                                                           To the light house
James Joyee                                       Ulysses, portrait of An artist as Young man
E.M. Foster                                                                 A Passage to India

Q.4 Write the name of Important English poet and Important Poem written by them [V.V.I]

Ans. Chaucer                                                               The Canterbury Tales
Langland                                                                       Piers the Plouman
Spenser                                                                          The Fairy Queene
Johan Milton                                                                The Paradise lost
John Dryden                                                                 Mac flexknoe
Alexander Pope                                                          The Rape of the lock
William Wordsworth                                               The Prelude
P.B. shelley                                                                   Ode to the west wind
John Keats                                                                    Ode to a Nightingale
Lord Tennyson                                                            In Memoriam
Mathew Arnold                                                           The scholar Gipsy

Robert Browning                                                       My Last Duchess

T. S. Eliot                                                                       The Waste Land

G. B. Hopkins                                                               God's Grandeur
John Donne                                                                  The sun Rising
Thomas Gray                                                        Elegy written in a country Churchyard

Q.5 Write the name of of three American Dramatists and their work:

Ans. Arthur Miller                                                Death of salesman, All My sons
Tennessess William                                             The glass menagerie
Ewene O'Neill                                                        Morning Becomes Electra

Q.6 Write the name of some tfee American novelists and their novels: [V.V.I]

Ans. Earnest Hemingway                                 The Old man and the sea
Henry James                                                         The Portrait of lady
Nathaniel Hawthorne                                        The Scarlet Letter

Q.7 Write the name of Three American poets and their poem :

Ans. Walt Whitman                                           Song of myself
Emily Dickinson                                                 1 could not stop for death
Robert Frost                                                        West Running Brook

Q.8 Name the language from which the words have been borrowed into English:

Ans. Guru                                                                Hindi
Chocolate                                                                French
Balcony                                                                    Italian
Coffee                                                                       Turkish
Algebra                                                                    Arabic

Q.9 Write the name of some of main Indian English novelist and their main novels: [V.V.I]

Ans. R. K. Narayan            The Guide, The Bachelor of arts, The English Teacher.
Mulk Raj Anand                                                 Coolie, Untouchable,The Village
Khushwant Singh                                              Train to Pakistan.
Arundhati Roy                                                    The God of Small Things
Arvind Adiga                                                       The White Tiger.

Q.10 Name the authors :?

* The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales                                          Geoffery Chaucer
* Meditantis, Vox Clamantis, Confessio Amantis                        Gower
* Piers the Plouman                                                                                Langland
* Bible (translation)                                                                                Wyclif
* The Canterbury Tales                                                                          Geoffery Chaucer
* David Copperfield                                                                                 Charles Dickens
* Shepherd's Calander                                                                            Spenser

Q.11 Period of the history of English:

* Old English                                                                                      449 AD to 1066 AD
* Middle English                                                                               1150 AD to 1500 AD
* Modern English                                                                             1500 AD onwards

Some to the Borrowings in the 16th & 17th Century

LANGUAGE                                                              WORDS
LATIN /GREEK                                      adapt, appropriate, capsule, lunar,.virus
FRENCH                                                   alloy, battery, chocolate, passport, ticket.
HINDI                                                        guru, pandit, sepoy, sari, thug.
ARABIC                                                     sultan, sheikh, algebra, hashish.
ITALLIAN                                               balcony, ballot, sonnet, lottery, fuse macaroni
PORTUGESE                                            buffalo, verandah, marmalade, pagoda.
PERSIAN                                                   bazaar, caravan, sofa, shah, divan, kismat.
SPANISH                                                   banana, cockroach, guitar, potato, barricade
DUTCH                                                       landscape, frolic, slim
TURKISH                                                   coffee, kiosk, yoghurt, caftan.
AFRIKAANS                                              trek, apartheid.

Q.12 Indian Dramas : [V.V.I]

The Tourist Mecca                                  Asif Currimbhoy
Chitra                                                          Ravindranath Tagore
Red Oleander
Hayavadana                                              Girish Karnad

Q.13 Indian Novelist: [V.V.I]

a. Mulk Raj Anand                                 -                                    Untouchable, Coollie
b. Raja Rao                                                -             Kanthapura, Serpent and the rope
c. Kamla Markandaya                          -             Nectar in a Sieve, Some Inner Fury
d. Chaman Wahab                                  -                                     Azadi
e. Manohar Malagaonkar                    -             A bend in the Ganges
f. Anita Desai              -      Cry, The Peacock, Bye Bye Black Bird, Voice in the city
g. Arun Joshi                     -                   The Foreigner, Strange Case of Billy Biswas


Novels                                                     -                                       Name of Novelist
Pamela                                                    -                                      Richardson
Tom Jones                                             -                                      Hanery Fielding
Mysteries of Utopia                           -                                       Ann. Radcliff
Pride and Prejudice                          -                                       Jane Austen
David Copperfield                               -                                    Charles Dickens
Pick Wick Paper


Raja Mohan's Wife                                          -                                   Bankim Chandra's
Two Leaves and a Bud, The Guide             -                                   R. K. Narayan
Strom in Chandigarh, Rich Like Us           -                                   Nayantara Sahgal
Nectar in a Sieve, Some Inner Furry         -                              Kamala Markandaya
Twice Born Twice Dead                                  -                                   K. S. Duggal
The Golden Gate                                                -                                   Vikram Seth
A suitable Boy
The Great Indian Novel                                   -                                   Shashi Tharoor
The God of small Thing                                   -                                      Arundhati Roy
The Blue Bedspread                                         -                                        Raj Kamal Jha
The Inheritance of Looks                               -                                        Krian Desai
The Shadow Line                                               -                                        Amitabh Ghosh


Q.1 Name of the authors the following works :

(a) Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
(b) Paradise lost - John Milton
(c) The Guide - R. K. Narayan
(d) The merchant of Vanice - Shakespeare
(e) The Gitanjali - Rabindra Nath Tagore

Q.2 : Name the authors of the following works :

(a) As you like it - William Shakespeare
(b) The old man and the sea - Earnest Hemingway
(c) Train to Pakistan - Khuswant Singh
(d) The Wasteland - T. S. Eliot

Q. 3 : Name the authors of the following works :

(a) Arms and the man -G. B. Shaw
(b) King Lear -Shakespeare
(c) The Princess -Manohar Malgaonkar
(d) Untouchable -Mulk Raj Anand
(e) The Rape of the lock -Alexander Pope

Q. 4 : Name the authors of the following works :

(a) David copperfield -Charles Dickens
(b) Emma -Jane Austen
(c) Piers the plouman -William Langland
(d) Macbeth -William Shakespeare

Q. 5 : Name of five Indian English writers :

(i) Raja Rao (ii) Khushwant singh
(iii) R. K. Narayan (iv) Mulk Raj Anand
(v) Mahatma Gandhi

Q.6 : Name the five Indian English Novelists :

(i) R. K.Narayan -The Guide
(ii) Mulk Raj Anand - Untouchable
(iii) Raja Rao -Kanthapura
(iv) Arundhati Ray -The God of Small Things
(v) Anita Desai -Voice in the city

Q.7: Name the five English dramatists :

(i) Shakespeare -Othello
(ii) Oliver Goldsmith -She stoops the conquer
(iii) Congreve -The valley of the world
(iv) G. B. Shaw -Candida
(v) Marlowe - Edward II

Q. 8: Name of five Indian- English Poets :

(i) Rabindranath Tagore
(ii) Sarojini Naidu
(iii) R. K. Narayan
(iv) Vikram Seth

(v) Arundhati Roy


l. Read the passage carefully and answer the question :

There is a public library in every town in Great Britain. There are branch libraries in most villages. Anyone may become its member and it costs nothing to borrow books. Three books can be kept for a fortnight. A family of four persons can borrow twelve books. If at the end of the fortinight, you have not finished reading a book, you may renew it for another fortnight. If the book that you want is out, you may tell the librarian to keep it for you. If you pay the cost of post card, the librarian will inform you when the book is ready for you.

Questions :

(a) How many books may be borrowed at a time ?
Ans. Three books may be borrowed at a time .

(b) How long can the books be kept ? .
Ans. The books can be kept for a fortnight means fifteen days.

(c) How much does it cost to borrow books from a public library in Britain?
Ans. lt costs nothing to borrow books from the public library in Great Britain. Books are given free of charge.

2. Confucious was a wonderful teacher. He was the wisest Chinaman who ever lived. All men came to him the young, the old, the rich and the poor. He treated all with wisdom and kindness. He travelled through out China. The whole world remembers him as a great teacher and philosopher. He gave a new philosophy of life to his Countrymen.

Questions :

(a) Who was Confucious ?
Ans. Confucious was wonderful Chinese teacher and philosopher.

(b) Who came to him ?
Ans. All men the rich and the poor, the young and the old came to him.

(c) How does the word remember him ?
Ans. The world remembers him as a great teacher and philosopher.

(d) How did he treat those who met him?
Ans. He treated all of them with kindness and wisdom.

3. Ashoka was one of the greatest emperors of the world. He was the king of Magadha. He faught a number of battles and got numerous victories. Once he attacked Kalinga. Thousands of innocent people were killed. A lot of human blood was shed. The horrible sight of blood and violence pricked the conscience of Ashoka. He bade a good bye to battle. He adopted Buddhism. He sent his sons and daughter to different countries to spread Buddhism.

Questions :

(a) Who was Ashoka?
Ans. Ashok was a great king of Magadh.

(b) In which battle was killed thousands of people ?

Ans. Thousand of people were killed in the battle of Kalinga.

(c) Why did Ashok adopt Buddhism ?
Ans. The battle of Kalinga changed his heart and he adopted Buddhism.

(d) What changed his heart ?
Ans. The battle of Kalinga in which thousands of people were killed
which changed his heart.

(e) Where did he send his sons and daughter ?
Ans. He sent his sons and daughter to different countries of the world to
spread Buddhism.

4. The great advantage of early rising is one can start one's work long before others. The early riser performs large amount of hard work before other men have got out of bed. In the early morning, the mind is fresh and no sounds or noises disturb our attention. The work performed that time is generally well done. Also one finds time to take some exercise in the fresh morning air. Exercise supplies him with a good deal of energy that enables him to work hard until the evening. By beginning so early he knows that he has plenty of time to do his work throughly. He goes to sleep long before mid night. After a sound sleep he rises early next morning in good health.

Questions : (Answer Yourself )

(a) What advantages an early riser have over others ?

(b) What does exercise supply us ?

(c) What is the benefit to sleep early ?

5. There lived a weaver named Neeru in the town of Kosi. His wife was Neema. They had no
child. One day they found a baby lying all alone by the side of a tank. They brought this child at
their home. They cared for it lovingly. They named him Kabir. Kabir learnt how to weave and
make clothes. But he was more interested in learning about religion. He loved to talk to sadhu
and fakir. He became the disciple of Swami Ramanand, a great Hindu saint. He learnt much
from him. His dohas and verses are famous and full of teachings.

Questions :

(a) Who were Neeru and Neema ?
Ans. Neeru was a weaver and Neema was his wife.

(b) Who found the baby Kabir ?
Ans. Neeru and Neema found the baby Kabir.

(c) Where was the baby lying ?
Ans. The baby was lying by a tank.

(d) What did the young Kabir love to do ?
Ans. The young Kabir loved to talk to sadhu and fakir.
