ENGLISH 12TH BSEB, " MY GRANDMOTHER 'S HOUSE :- KAMALA DAS ,SUBJECTIVE &OBJECTIVE QUESTION ANSWER( सोचने से कहां मिलता है,तमन्ना की शहर। कुछ पाने के लिए मुश्किलों का सामना करना पड़ता है।।) BY SUJEET SIR ,8340763695,9709622037,ARARIA,BIHAR.

                               __KAMALA DAS      

> Writer- Kamala Das
> Born - 31 March 1934, Kerala
> Died - 31 May 2009, Pune

My Grandmother's house was written by Kamala Das. Most of her poems are autobiographical. It is also an autobiographical poem by her. In this poem she describes how there was a bond of love between her and her grandmother and how she feels alone after her death.
"My grandmother's house

 " कमला दास के द्वारा लिखा गया था। उनकी अधिकांश कविताएँ
आत्मकथात्मक हैं। यह भी उनकी एक आत्मकथात्मक कविता है। इस कविता में वह बताती है कि कैसे उसकी और उसकी दादी के बीच प्यार का एक बंधन था और उनकी मौत के बाद वह अकेले कैसा महसूस करती है।

She says that the house of her grand mother was an adobe of love and intimacy. She enjoyed unrestrained liberty there. Her life there was all happy. After her grandmother's death snakes started moving among the books and in the House.

वह कहती है कि उसकी दादी के घर में प्रेम और आत्मीयता का पहचान था। उसने वहां स्वतंत्रता का आनंद लिया। उसका जीवन वहाँ खुशहाल था। दादी की मृत्यु के बाद सांप किताबों और घर में रहने लगी।

She was too young to read those books. She could not receive such love as she got in that grandmother's house. She wishes to see that house again and feel

वह उन किताबों को पढ़ने के लिए बहुत छोटी थी। उसे वैसा प्यार नहीं मिला, जैसा उस दादी के घर में मिला था। वह उस घर को फिर से देखना और उसी प्यार को महसूस करना चाहती है।

She tries to capture love and freedom by peeping through blind eyes of windows and listen to the frozen air but in vain. She feels alone and frustrated. She seeks love at stranger's door. This is a fine poem. She succeeds in conveying her feelings through this small poem. Love according to him, is a rare commodity in the world of today.

वह बंद पड़ी खिड़कियों से झांक कर प्यार और आजादी पर कब्जा करने की कोशिश करती है और जमी हुई हवा को सुनना चाहती है लेकिन सब व्यर्थ हैं। वह अकेला और निराश महसूस करती है। वह अजनबी के दरवाजे पर प्यार चाहती है। यह एक अच्छी कविता हैं। इस छोटी सी कविता के माध्यम से वो अपनी भावनाओं को व्यक्त करने में सफल होती है। उनके अनुसार प्रेम, आज की दुनिया में एक दुर्लभ वस्तु है ।
Write the Summary  "My grandmother's mother ? 5 Marks (BSEB 2015,2019)
Ans:  This poem has been
composed by a very great poetess Kamala Das. She was the poetess of high-order. She was short listed for the Nobel Prize for literature in 1984. She composed many poems and short stories in her life. In this poem the poetess has
described her grand mother's house. She says that she lived with her grand mother in that house. In her childhood, that house was very beautiful. She got a lot of love in that house.
But that house is now far away. Her
grandmother also died. The poetess remembers that house a lot. She wants to go there. She wants to take the enjoyment of frozen air on the window of that house. The condition of that house is very pitiable. Snakes move among books. Bushes have grown up around the house. But the poetess is proud of that house because she had got a lot of love in that house from her

हिन्दी अनुवाद:

इस कविता की रचना एक वीर महान
कवयित्री कमला दास ने की है। वह उच्चकोटि की कवयित्री थीं। उन्हें 1984 में साहित्य के लिए नोबेल पुरस्कार के लिए सूचीबद्ध किया गया था। उन्होंने अपने जीवन में कई कविताओं और लघु कथाओं की रचना की।
इस कविता में कवयित्री ने अपनी माँ के घर का वर्णन
किया है। वह कहती है कि वह उस घर में अपनी दादी माँ के साथ रहती थी। बचपन में वह घर बहुत खूबसूरत था । उस घर में उसे बहुत प्यार मिला।
लेकिन वह घर अब बहुत दूर है। उसकी दादी की भी मृत्यु हो गई। कवयित्री को वह घर बहुत याद आता है। वह वहां जाना चाहती है। वह उस घर की खिड़की पर जमी हवा का आनंद लेना चाहती है। उस घर की हालत बहुत दयनीय है। सांप किताबों के बीच चले जाते हैं। झाड़ियाँ घर के चारों ओर उग आई हैं। लेकिन कवयित्री को उस घर पर गर्व है क्योंकि उसे अपनी दादी से उस घर में बहुत प्यार मिला था।

जीवन एक अवसर है "
  श्रेष्ठ करने की
 श्रेष्ठ बनने की
 श्रेष्ठ पाने की

(1.) She noticed a ..... behind the door of the bedroom. 
Ans : dog
(2.) The house went into silence due to the death of the ....
Ans : woman
(3.) Kamala Das is talking about her....who is dead now.
(4.) Kamala Das is an ....poetess.
Ans : Indian 
(5.) My grandmother's house is written by.....
Ans : kamala Das
(6.) Kamala Das remembers the happy day's spent in the sweet company of her ......
Ans : grandmother 
(7.) Snakes were seen among..... in my GRANDMOTHER'S house .
Ans : books 

Explain the following lines: ( 4 marks )
Q.1. There is a house now far away where once I received love. That women died
The house withdrew into silence, snakes
(BSEB, 2021)

 Ans :These lines have been taken from the poem, My grandmother's house which has been composed by Kamala Das. The house of her grandmother went into silence due to death of grandmother. She was unableto read books because she was very young child. The grandmother's death shocked the poetess and her blood became cold like the moon.

  2.  How often I think of going
There,to peer through blind eyes of Windows or Just to listen to the frozen air,

 Ans : These lines have been taken from the poem, My grandmother's house which has been
composed by Kamala Das. The poetess wishes to visit the old house of her grandmother. She longs to peer through the blind eyes of the windows of that house. She also wants to sit inside that house to listen the sound of the blowing of the cold winter wind to revive the memory of her grandmother.

3.  .........I Who have lost
My way and beg now at strangers' doors to Receive love, at in small change?

Ans : These lines have been taken from the poem .
My grandmother's house which has been composed by Kamala Das. Here, The poetess misses the love and affection of her grandmother and hopes it from strangers but fails to get it. Her hear remains unsatisfied.


Short question answer (2 marks)

1. Where did the speaker once receive love?
Ans:- The speaker once received love in a house far away She received love there where her grandmother lived. 

2. Is the speaker of 'My Grandmother's House' satisfied with her present life? If not, why?

 Ans:- No, She is not satisfied with present life. Her expectation of love from strangers is not fulfilled.

 3. What changes have taken place since the speaker's grandmother's in 'My Grandmother's House died?

 Ans : After death of her grandmother, she recalls those happy moments. The house went into silence due to death of her grandmother. She misses her grandmother's love and Poegs for it from strangers but she doesn't receive it.

4) Why was the speaker of My grandmother's house proud of living in that house?
Ans:- The speaker feels proud because of those lovely memories of childhood. It is all because the memories of that house are associated with her.

5) Why was the speaker unable to read the books an why did the house go into silence?

Ans:- The speaker was unable to read the books because she was very young. The house went into silence because her grandmother died.

...................................................................... हमारे वेबसाइट पर 12th ENGLISH( BSEB) स्पेशल नोट्स उपलब्ध है , जो एग्जाम से रिलेटेड है आपके लिए बेहतरीन नोट साबित होगा, आप हमारे NOTESको पढ़कर अच्छा नंबर ला सकते हैं आप लोग हमारे WEBSITE को  FOLLOWS & SHARE करें।
                                                                                                                                                                पानी से तस्वीर कहां बनती ,  अरे पानी से तस्वीर कहां बनती । ख्वाबों से तकदीर कहां बनती ,मेहनत कर दो सच्चे दिल से ,क्योंकि यह मौका जिंदगी में बार-बार नहीं मिलती ।। 
 By   SUJEET SIR,9709622037