ENGLISH, 12TH (BIHAR SECONDARY EDUCATION BOARD) A STORY OF ENGLISH ( जीवन में इंसान के पास इच्छा शक्ति जागृत हो जाए , दुनिया में कुछ भी असंभव नहीं है) BY:SUJEET SIR,9709622037,ARARIA,BIHAR.



1.Write a short note on old English/Dark age..
Answer: The old English period belongs to AD 449 to AD 1066. This period was also known as childhood of English. At that time English was purely a mixture of different dialects. Old English was dialectical and It's words were written and pronounced differently. It has no proper grammar rules. Many of old English words and structures don't use today. The old English period is not able to produce literature of much significance, as court patronage was lacking at the time and the age come to be known as the 'Dark Age'.

2. Write a short note on Middle English.
Answer:- The period belongs to AD 1150 to 1500 is called the Age of Middle English in the history of English language. The words of middle English are borrowed from French and Latin. The main feature of this English was to witness the great vowel shift changing the pronunciation of the English long vowels. The most important features of middle english was the the fixing of word order. The early literature of this phase was religious in nature.

3. Write a short note on Modern English.
Answer:- The modern age has come as an era of development of science and technology across the world. As a result, English is being spoken in the whole world.It has become the langauge of Science, technology, education,trade and commerce.Consequently, Each and every person has to learn to speak english. It provides services, jobs and many more. Thus, English is like oxygen to us in this modern world.

4. Write a short note on American English.
Answer: This English has emerged after the Independent of U.S. Australia, Canada from the British empire. The English started to write and speak in these American country. They Introduced a new variety of English which has some changes like -spelling, grammer and pronounciation of the British English. This new type of English is called American English. We can understand these two English like- Color in British and Colour in American, Motorcar in British and Automobile in American, Lift in British and Elevator in American, Biscuits in British and Crackers in American. Thus, American English is redeveloped by in American country. Sound 't' is pronounced in American where as not in British.

5. Write a short note on English as a world language.

Write a short note on English as an International language.

Write a short note on Global English. 

Answer- English is the language of trade,commerce science and technology. It is being spoken and written in the whole world. All the earlier colonies of the British Empire including India had the presence of this language. The united states and many American countries have English as their main language. In the European countries like France, Russia, Germany... English language is spoken by a large number of people. It is the main language of the United Nations. Today,English is the most widely used language in the whole world. There is no any country in the world where English is not being written and spoken. In schools and colleges, English is taught almost in each and every countries. We can say that English is a global language.

6. Write a short note on the future of English in India.
(7)Write a short note on English as the second language of India.
(8)Write a short note on the future of English.(9)What are the difficulties faced by Indians in learning English. ये चारो Questions अलग-अलग है, पर मैंने सभी को ध्यान में रखकर एक magic answer तैयार किया है।

Anaswer: We are living in the age of science, technology and global market economy. English is very important for Indians in future. Without English, You can not imagine India as a developed country. It is not our mother language but it is very important for us. We will have to face many difficulties to learn English. Today, It is used as the second language in India. We can not understand one another even in Indain states like- Kerla, Tamilnadu, West Bengal. We use English as a link language in South Indian states. We can see that It is expanding by leaps and bonds as a second language of India. Thus, I mean to say that the future of English in india is bright./ English is the second language of india.

8. Five Indian English Writers
Answer:- Mulk Raj Anand, Raja Rao, Anita
 Desai, Arundhati Roy, Kushwant singh.

9. Five British/English Novelists
Answer:- D. H. Lawrence, Walter Scott, Richardson, Jane Austen, Emily Bronte.

10. Five British/English Dramatists
. S.
Answer:- Shakespeare, G. B. Shaw, T. S. Eliot, Marlowe, Galsworthy

जिंदगी की राहों में मुश्किल आते जाते रहते हैं यह मुश्किले  रुकावट,परेशानियां जीवन का एक हिस्सा है लेकिन हमारे जीवन में समस्या कभी भी इतनी बड़ी नहीं होते जितना हम उसे बना देते हैं क्या आपने कभी सुना है कि अंधेरे ही ना  सवेरे ना होने  दिया,  हम सभी लोग जानते हैं कि life कभी  सीधी रेखा नहीं चलती कभी ऊपर कभी नीचे यह तो होती रहती है life  में ऊपर नीचे होना तो जिंदा होने की निशानी है वरना मेडिकल मे  सीधी लाइन का मतलब होता है  - मौत 
याद रखिए उम्मीद कभी भी आपको छोड़कर नहीं जाती आप ही छोड़ देते हैं  इस दुनिया में जो भी आप देखते  हर सपना संभव है बस के अंदर से और दिल में जिद्दी होना चाहिए।